How to Stop a GIB Board in Auckland

If you have a GIB board in your home, you may wonder how to stop it. GIB boards are made of gypsum and paperboard and can be very explosive. They are one of the most common materials used in home fires. Fortunately, you can do a few things to help prevent a GIB board fire.

1. Use proper ventilation when cooking.
One of the leading causes of GIB board fires is improper cooking ventilation. When you cook on the stovetop, use the exhaust fan to remove any smoke or steam from the room. It would help if you kept an eye on what you were cooking and never left the stove unattended.

2. Don’t overload outlets.
Another common cause of GIB board fires is overloading outlets. Be sure not to plug too many appliances into one outlet, and never use an extension cord with a high-wattage appliance like a hair dryer or space heater. If you need to use an extension cord, make sure it is UL certified and has the correct rating for the appliance you’re using it with.

3. Keep lint filters clean.
If your home has lint filters, be sure to clean them regularly. Lint buildup can easily catch fire, so keeping the filters clean and free of debris is essential. You should also avoid drying clothes on radiators or other heat sources that could ignite the lint.

4. Don’t store flammable liquids near a heat source.
Flammable liquids like gasoline, kerosene, and alcohol should always be stored in a cool, dry place away from any heat source. If possible, store them outside the house in a shed or garage. If you must keep them inside, put them in a cabinet or closet that is not near any heating vents or appliances.

5 . Keep matches and lighters out of reach of children.
Matches and lighters are another common cause of GIB board fires. Be sure to keep them out of reach, and teach your kids about fire safety as early as possible. It’s also essential to have working smoke detectors in your home and to practice your family’s escape route in case of a fire.

GIB boards are highly flammable and can easily catch fire if not correctly cared for. These simple tips can help prevent a GIB board fire in your home.